Our Mission is to Use AI & VR for Effective Drug Development Outcomes

We use AI responsibly to solve the right problems.

Effortlessly manage your operations

Myra EB AI Based Platform

Shipment Management System

Shipment Myra EB’s shipment solution provides a streamlined, efficient way for pharmaceutical operations to manage the shipment

Demand Forecasting

Myra EB’s demand forecasting solution is designed to help pharmaceutical operations accurately predict and plan for future demand.

Inventory Management

Myra EB’s inventory management solution provides a comprehensive solution for pharmaceutical operations to effectively

Data Management System

The data management system is used to provide insights for in process data, stability data and other data for various products.

VR Training

We provide a way to optimize the way the pharmaceutical industry manages data and maintains visibility of pharmaceutical products through all stages of the supply chain and drug development.


Our platform was built by professionals with decades of experience in pharmaceutical supply chain operations. We understand the operational challenges posed by the industry and can steer implementation of our technology towards successful roll-outs. Our company is built on diligence meaning we never take a “one-size-fits-all” approach to our service. Our customer success managers will work with you in order to implement our technology in a successful manner.

Trusted by experts

Our demand and supply chain planning tools are still Excel-based. It’s very hard to get an accurate view of inventory and supply plans. Every planner does things differently and it makes Sales & Operations planning and Clinical Development and Operations planning very challenging, especially for new products. This solution will fit very well for us overall. -Director of Supply Chain

Used by Top Companies

I was looking for a solution that provides supply chain, shipment management, and materials management for our company. A traditional ERP doesn’t make any sense from both a scale as well as an economic point of view. Based on information so far, MyraEB solution is scaled and priced correctly to solve our supply chain needs –Head of Supply Chain.

The Solutions we provide

Revolutionize the way inventory is managed. Save time and energy to focus more on what’s important.

Inventory and Material Management

View your entire supply chain at all stages through an easy to use platform that brings all your data together automatically.

Demand and Production planning

Strong planning tools customized to the specific needs of the industry. Manage demand, supply, and production to reduce wasted goods.

Stability and Reporting

andle FDA data reporting quickly with our systems. Get instant access to all the important information you need in one place.

Customized Systems And Solutions

Lab and Sample Management System

Project and Event Tracker System

Knowledge Management System

AI Based System


Shipment Management System

Myra EB’s shipment solution provides a streamlined, efficient way for pharmaceutical operations to manage the shipment of goods. Our solution offers a range of features designed to make shipping easier, faster, and more reliable. It provides real-time tracking, automated order fulfillment, and optimized routing, among other things. With Myra EB’s shipment solution, companies can improve their operational efficiency, reduce shipping costs, and ensure that their products reach their customers on time and in excellent condition. Our user-friendly platform allows companies to easily manage their shipping processes, monitor performance, and make data-driven decisions to further improve their operations. Whether you’re shipping domestically or internationally, Myra EB’s shipment solution provides the tools you need to succeed.

Demand Forecasting

Myra EB’s demand forecasting solution is designed to help pharmaceutical operations accurately predict and plan for future demand. Utilizing advanced algorithms and data analysis, the solution provides real-time insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and other factors that impact demand. This enables companies to make informed decisions about production, inventory management, and other key operations. The solution is easy to use and fully customizable, allowing companies to tailor it to their specific needs and requirements. With Myra EB’s demand forecasting solution, pharmaceutical operations can achieve greater efficiency, reduce waste, and improve overall performance.

Inventory Management

Myra EB’s inventory management solution provides a comprehensive solution for pharmaceutical operations to effectively manage their stock levels. Our solution offers real-time inventory tracking, automated reordering, and sophisticated analytics, among other features. With Myra EB’s inventory management solution, companies can minimize stock shortages, reduce overstocking, and improve their overall operational efficiency. Our platform is easy to use and fully customizable, allowing companies to tailor it to their specific needs and requirements. Whether you’re managing a large warehouse or a small retail operation, Myra EB’s inventory management solution provides the tools you need to succeed. Join us in our mission to revolutionize the way pharmaceuticals do business and see the difference our solutions can make.

Data Management System

The data management system is used to provide insights for in process data, stability data and other data for various products. It’s very easy to go in this system and access key data that is needed for IND or BLA writing. In addition, the system provides quick access to teams for quick decision making and reduces batch failure risks.
The system is available for integration with external systems such as Pl, LIMS, and ELN. The use case for Data Module is consistent across companies of all scales. The system is universal for all companies. The only difference is the degree of integration with external systems such as ELN, Pl, and LIMS systems.